About us

About Unique

Unique has extensive expertise in manufacturing rubber products.

Its industrial location is 250,000 m², 65,000 m² of which are dedicated to the factory facilities. The unit is prepared to meet the diverse demands of the rubber market with cutting edge technology and efficient solutions that guarantee quality and a competitive edge.

Unique, efficiency, reliability, and high quality in the supply of rubber products. Read more about us

Unique Services

Unique manufactures products for retreading tires and rubber compounds for industries in the most diverse segments.

Retreading products

For the retreading market, Unique manufactures several products, including precured treads, camelbacks, stripped rubber compounds, calendered products, glue, paint, solvents and multipurpose extruder filling, using technological solutions that result in optimized products meeting the needs of our private label customers, as well as the group's brands: Tipler and Borex.

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Rubber compounds


Unique produces rubber compounds for national and multinational companies in the technical rubber parts, tire, oil and gas, automotive and conveyor belt industries, among others.

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Keep up to date with all the news

Expansão da Unique Rubber Technologies na filial de Linhares/ ES
Informative 16.12.2024

Expansão da Unique Rubber Technologies na filial de Linhares/ ES

Capacidade produtiva dobrada para servir com excelência os cliente Leia mais
Jubilados Unique 2023
Informative 01.12.2023

Jubilados Unique 2023

Em 01 de dezembro de 2023, realizamos o evento Jubilados, uma celebração em homenagem aos colaboradores que completaram 10, 15, 20 ou mais anos de Unique. Leia mais
Unique é Great Place To Work
Informative 21.11.2023

Unique é Great Place To Work

É com muito orgulho que celebramos a conquista do Terceiro Selo consecutivo GPTW (Great Place to Work). Leia mais
Memorial Unique
Informative 18.06.2023

Memorial Unique

Inaugurado no dia 18 de junho de 2023, dia em que o fundador Sr Remy Möller completou 90 anos, o Memorial Unique que retrata a história da empresa nestes 48 anos. Leia mais

Contact us

Leave your details and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our services.

(51) 3568-2222